Welcome to Government Ayurvedic College & Hospital

Hon'ble Chief Minister
Uttar Pradesh
Hon'ble Ayush Minister
Uttar Pradesh
Director General, AYUSH,
Govt. of U.P.
Principal/Supdt. GAC Handia, Prayagraj

Sri Lal Bahadur Shastri Smarak
Government Ayurvedic College & Hospital

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Ayurveda is the essence of India’s indigenous and traditional heritage from the period of Vedas. From the vedic period till date this science has been instrumental in healing the humanity of all ailments including usual illness, chronic illness , psycho-somatic and disturbed lifestyle based problems. Even long before other pathies came into existence. Ayurveda is an organized and codified system of medicine. The term Ayurveda means science of life, it deals with physical, mental, social and spiritual welfare of human being. Ayurveda aims at prevention, management of disease and promotion of health. Ayurveda is more than a mere healing system, it is a science of appropriate living that help to achieve longevity.

From the days of civilization Prayagraj previously called Allahabad has been seat of learning, wisdom and writing. It is a most vibrant politically, spiritually conscious and spiritually awakened city of India. Prayagraj , which is situated at the confluence of holy rivers Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati has been a renound seat of education which is also known as Prayag. Now a days the river Saraswati is represented by Allahabad university, IIIT, MNIT, MLNR Medical College and SLBSS Govt. Ayurvedic college, Handia. All these are pioneer institution among their respective field.

Principal Desk

Since the antiquity Ayurveda the "Science of Life" is serving the suffering humanity with the dignity. Besides dealing with principles for maintenance of health, it has also developed a wide range of therapeutic measures to combat illness. The principles are based to accomplish the goal to achieve positive health and therapeutic measures related to physical, mental, social and spiritual welfare of human being. Hence Ayurveda presents a close similarity to the WHO’s concept of health suggested in modern era.

Ayurveda has a wide scope as far as the prevention of disease, promotion of health and its preservation are concerned. Our texts are full of scientific wisdom but essence of it has yet to reach the world to nourish the intellectual curiosity.

S.L.B.S.S. Govt. Ayurvedic College, Handia is a pioneer institution dedicated to the pious goal of Ayurveda i.e. to the preventive and curative aspect of human health.

Prof. Vijay Prakash Bharati
GAC Handia, Prayagraj